For instance, if I write a bunch of junk on a USB key, and just let it
sit in a box somewhere - how long will it last?
A year?
sit in a box somewhere - how long will it last?
A year?
Justin said:For instance, if I write a bunch of junk on a USB key, and just let it sit in a box somewhere - how long will it last?
A year?
For instance, if I write a bunch of junk on a USB key, and just let it
sit in a box somewhere - how long will it last?
A year?
Justin said:For instance, if I write a bunch of junk on a USB key, and just let it
sit in a box somewhere - how long will it last?
A year?
Justin wrote...
I have a 500 MB USB key sitting for more than 3 years, still working.
Now I am using a 8GB USB key intead, and don't bother the 500 MB one.
(e-mail address removed)_ (Harry331) wrote
How long will stored core memory retain data?
Ato_Zee said:Rod Speed wrote
Unlike magnetic and optical media there is no
obvious mechanism why a USB stick should fail
except from failure of the components on the
sticks PCB associated with reading and writing.
With magnetic media reliability is more to do with
the data processing components, than gradual
loss of the magnetic domains on the platters.
Eric said:I thought flash memory had a limited lifetime -- that is bitrot occurs over the years??