maciek kanski
Please help me grasp the idea of the following question:
and the correct answer with explanation is:
Maybe it's a problem with my understanding of the english language,
however I'll appreciate in other words examples of
user|machine|domain|session scoped applications in the context of
storing configuration attributes for the (web) application.
Please help me grasp the idea of the following question:
You are a consultant developing an e-commerce Web site for a client.
You need to decide which configuration attributes to store for the
application. Which considerations should you take into account?
and the correct answer with explanation is:
You would need to know whether your application was user, machine,
domain, or session scoped.
Maybe it's a problem with my understanding of the english language,
however I'll appreciate in other words examples of
user|machine|domain|session scoped applications in the context of
storing configuration attributes for the (web) application.