How is everyone??

Mar 5, 2004
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I come on here to ask a lot of questions, and sometimes to answer them! ;-) But ive not been on to just chat for a while, so i thought i would just say hi to everyone and say "how's it going?".

Anyone up to anything interesting this weekend? Im just studying for an exam next week. Not too bothered, cause it's pouring with rain in york!!

Hope you're all well.

I'm back up to Newcastle this weekend again to see my family, just a quick visit but it seems to be planned with military precision for each hour - so many people to see in such a short amount of time!

It's raining here too, but I love the sound of it when I'm inside so I don't mind so much ;) :D
not me :(
Nothing much happens around here, thinking of finding a job or something :D
and me ..well

Cant do much with 1 hand this weekend so will probs visit Mum and Dad .Funny story today ..must share..

My Youngest daughter Charlotte (4) had a Pink VW Beetle Car for Christmas , which she loves..she does not mind Aaron (2) my youngest playing with it , but she insists on "Locking " it up first with a VW Key (which was supplied) when she watches DVD`s in her bedroom. She gives me the key and i put it up safe. The lock is situated beneath a flap on the rear number plate.

Anyway today Charlotte was in her bedroom and Aaron was playing in the lounge with the Car..."Daddy..Key please" , "No " i replied and explained again that it was Charlottes car and why he could not have the key !!

Well time went by when Aaron emerged and said the Cars open and showed me Charlottes Barbie doll ?? , i was gobsmacked and asked him how he did it and he showed me............He did it with his Mr Potato Heads arm ...Hysterical....a 2 year old Car thief :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Barbie 1.webp
    Barbie 1.webp
    42 KB · Views: 194
  • Car Theft.webp
    Car Theft.webp
    24 KB · Views: 104
What a clever guy :lol: :lol: :lol:

That really had me laughing out loud!!! :D
Hi Bodhi :wave: good luck with your exam next week - it's raining here too, in fact it's been dark all day, but not so bad if your indoors, dry and cosy :nod: quite a good excuse to spend some time on the PC really :)

Rush, that was such a funny story :lol: your little ones sound like real characters :D

Hope you have a good time in Newcastle Ian, have a safe trip.

Like Alf, we've nothing particularly interesting planned for the weekend either. I might re-pot a few house-plants (now there's an exciting thought ...) if I can persuade our cats not to "help" me.

It's nice to have a conversation thread - good thought Bodhi :thumb: :D
Hehe Rush, that made me laugh :D

Inventive, ain't they?

This weekend:

Saturday: Clean this place up, it needs it badly, then down the pub for the evening.

Sunday: Deliver re-furbed Sister's computer to her, stay awhile, talk, socialise kinda thing. All 3 daughters visiting in afternoon, we shall probably go to the Cutty Sark Pub in evening, they will stay here overnight, then go home.

Monday morning: work :(
LOL @ Rush

Well in 10 minutes i'm off to look at, with a view to buy, a Peugeot 306 DTurbo - it's the 3 door sport diesel model based on the XSI chassis and designed by pininfarina :)

Bucket seats :cool:
I'm house sitting for my folks & having to keep 2 cats happy.
Also going to see if i can sort out my graphics card problem, really dont want to RTB it to Chimps PC's!
Apart from that chilling out & watching a few DVD's:D with a beer or 3.:nod:
Still doing wedding stuff Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!! :eek:
This time next week I'll be married!!!!
cirianz said:
Still doing wedding stuff Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!! :eek:
This time next week I'll be married!!!!
Just think yourself lucky, your marrying someone who loves you.
Take all the next week to sort things out slowly & this time next week it will be all done & dusted.
And dont forget to post the pics:D
Oh and good luck:nod:
Not much going to happen this weekend - been a long hard week at work:rolleyes:

Rush - love that story mate, ain't kids great :lol:

christopherpostill said:
Well in 10 minutes i'm off to look at, with a view to buy, a Peugeot 306 DTurbo - it's the 3 door sport diesel model based on the XSI chassis and designed by pininfarina :)

Bucket seats :cool:
Had one of these a few years ago Chris - top car, great midrange acceleration and good fuel economy too - I loved it :thumb:
Supposed to have been diving tomorrow but gone down with a chest infection and due to violent coughing managed to pull a muscle in my side so when I now cough and sneeze it feels like my lung is punctured! Hopefully clear up before next weekends dives.
Bodhi - Nice thread topic!
LOL Rush - You have a young dude there with some cool parallel thinking skills at age 2!!
Ciri - Hang in there and keep calm.... Best of Luck with everthing, and be sure to submit the 'Wedding Post'
Chris - Nice motor - enjoy! ;) - Pic me nowwwwwwwww
*EDIT * Feel better ukJAG :)

My weekend..
Today - Finish off some work as out the office til Thurs / Failed to pick up a replacement front bumper from local scrappy's; for my Escort after an 'OH****!' during last week!/Help my missus' granddad fit a door...
Tomorrow - Tidy/Chill/Tidy/Chill
Monday - My 32nd :(
Tuesday - TIDY/CLEAN *repeat* (We're moving out in less than 2 weeks!)
Weds - My good lady and I's 3rd Anniversary... Think the next 12 months will see us engaged! *YIKES*
Thurs - Back to work *Boooooooooo*
Glad to see most people are up to something. As i said, i was MEANT to be staying in this weekend to revise for my exam, but alas it's sat night and im off to the pub! haha.

Expect some stressed out posts on sun/mon/tues from me. Feel free to say "i told you so!" :-)
