How is everyone doing?


Feb 23, 2002
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How is everyone coping with being cooped up inside the house? Surviving OK or going stir crazy? Feeling any better now @floppybootstomp?

It's been so sunny here this past couple of weeks that I've been trying to spend as much time in the garden as possible in the afternoon, and then just do my work in the morning and evening instead.

Are people finding that they're able to get everything they need from the shops OK? The queues in my town aren't too bad - I had to wait around 20mins to get in to M&S, which I thought would be the most quiet place to get a few things. Did a lot of baking this week as I really fancied some fresh food :lol:.
The weather here has been pretty good so lots of time in the garden topping up the Vitamin D levels. It hasn't rained for weeks here and the ground is now quite hard so we may get a hosepipe ban soon. :D

Reading, catch up TV and we do a two and a half mile walk every day to keep fit. We also take part in an online quiz every Monday night using Zoom which helps to break up the week. No prizes just the esteem for the winners but mainly just a bit of fun. Most days I have no idea what day it is.

We're really lucky, our daughter lives just 10 minutes away and she does our shopping for us but sometimes we do sneak to the local Spar shop (we don't tell her because she would go mad with us) which now seems to provide just about everything.

Eating more snacks but drinking MUCH less beer and I notice our stores of wine are declining at a speedy rate. May have to attack the spirits next. We have come to an arrangement where we spend as much time as possible in separate rooms which seems to work well and keeps us relatively sane.

And, most importantly, we're still alive. :thumb:
Is not much different for my 'normal' routine anyway. I'm doing a bigger shop than would normally do, no queues on a Thursday afternoon, still no deliveries available from any supermarket which I would prefer given the circumstances. No eggs, no TRs the rest is fine.

How I get my meds is stupid! had to wait 4 days for delivery? all but ran out!

My kitchen sink got clogged. Brother sent round "one of the boys" to 'fix' it. Bendy wire & chemical cleaner used but will still not drain properly. Microwave/Grill buggered, makes a bloody racket but still cooks. New one on the way, about time tho'.

Nice-n-sunny here too, with the occasional frosty morning. :D

I have more followers on my morning streams. :blush: :lol:
I am OK. I need more beer though. Bigger picture:

3,369 lab-confirmed infections as of 12:00 on Thursday (16.4), 131 more than the previous day.
THL (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) reported 215 patients in hospital, with 76 in intensive care as of Thursday afternoon (16.4).
Covid-19 related fatalities stood at 75 as of Thursday afternoon (16.4).
Not to bad as it goes. Last week I thought I was going to lose the plot though but got over that. My mate has been dropping off laptops from his company for me to clean up and reset ready to sell when this is all over so thats kept me busy. Thankfully I can still go out and cyle so take advantage of that. Shops aren't to bad. I think te longest I waited to get into Tesco was 15 minutes.
Doing OK so far :thumb:

I have been tinkering with various Linux distros for both my desktop as well as my laptop. My desktop is now quadruple boot and my laptop is dual boot. Installing and uninstalling various distros keeps me busy and I am learning a lot in the process. The distros currently in rotation are MX Linux (xfce), Manjaro (kde) and Linux Mint (Cinnamon). This is just to have some fun and to pass the time. Photography, on the other hand is on the hold at the moment except occasionally I take pics of my granddaughter.

Listening to a lot of music these days, since I am staying mostly indoors.

Good to know all you peeps are doing well. :wave:
Plenty of food an toilet paper in the shops around here. Never had to wait to shop either.

Tesco has Desperado larger 12x 250ml on special at £20 for two cases at the moment. Bought several and they should see me through the lockdown.

  • 20 years ago, Desperados was born of “wild experimentation” when our master brewer remixed the rules combining beer and tequila, creating a brand new beer+ segment!
  • Desperados is not an alcopop or a mixed drink, it is a beer made of beer and tequila flavour distilled from agenuine tequila sourced from Mexico.
  • Whether it's a festival in zero gravity (Bass Drop) or a house party turned on its head (House Party Plugged), Desperados promote “wild experimentation” in music by amplifying creativity, keeping music diverse and fun!

Missing riding the Royal though I have been shopping on it a couple of times.

We're good here. The shops are pretty much back to normal now, guess the hoarders have ran out of money.

My missus is a hairdresser so she is furloughed, I've not been though, thankfully. While not working from home I am only doing two or three days a week while still on full pay so its worked out good for me. Means I get more time with the little one and the weathers been kind.

Only two things are certain right now.... I'm drinking too much and my watch list is finally decreasing! :lol:

Absolutely no surprise that we're in for another 3 weeks and I wouldn't be at all surprised if at the end of this they tell us they need another 3, and maybe another 3 after that, as that would take us to the 12 weeks that the older folks have been given.

I still find it amazing that some people either aren't taking it seriously or they honestly just thought that after the first 3 weeks everything would magically be enough and everything would all go back to normal. Some people are literally on another planet. :fool:
I heard a little birdy this could last until next year, possibly 2 years until it completely subsides.
It will certainly be several more months until a remedy maybe 18, we shall wait and see.

Everything is on hold. Movies, TV series, Economy. Boredom is getting to me now. I'm not in work either. They are chocker block. I work in the health industry. If I was in work with the boys I would be a keyworker. In all honesty though, I don't envy them. Hospitals, Personal homes, Care homes and Retirement homes I would not want to be visiting right now!!
A vaccine is at absolute best a year away, more like 18 months.

My guess is if/when the lockdown is lifted, there will still be a lot of social distancing measures in place. I can't see pubs, clubs, cinema's etc opening for a long time yet.
Eating more snacks but drinking MUCH less beer and I notice our stores of wine are declining at a speedy rate. May have to attack the spirits next. We have come to an arrangement where we spend as much time as possible in separate rooms which seems to work well and keeps us relatively sane.
I am OK. I need more beer though.
Only two things are certain right now.... I'm drinking too much and my watch list is finally decreasing! :lol:

I notice a theme here :lol: .... I'm in the same boat!

With all the sunshine at the moment, it's so tempting to sit in the garden with a beer all weekend ;).

You shop at M&S?

Not normally :p, but thought it would be a quicker queue than Tescos or ASDA. I do call in there a couple of times a month though, if I want to pick up nice food for a treat though.
I'm on day 7 of fever and gastrointestinal upset. Luckily my fever is responsive to meds, otherwise I don't know what I'd do.
Glad to hear it's under control @yuanyasmine - do you think it's the coronavirus? Hope you are recovering ok!

My missus is a hairdresser so she is furloughed, I've not been though, thankfully. While not working from home I am only doing two or three days a week while still on full pay so its worked out good for me. Means I get more time with the little one and the weathers been kind.

That's worked out well for you, although a shame for your other half! At least you're both able to spend a lot of time with the little one when they're too young to understand what's going on! I feel sorry for parents with a few school age kids having to teach them all at once, a few of my friends are pulling their hair out at trying to teach 3 young kids!
Talk today on The News of an anti-viral drug that has been in development since SARS and MERS. Not sure how far along the testing route it is with Cov 19 but it would be wonderful if this did help because the drug already exists. Fingers are well crossed.

As to the lockdown, the biggest question is how long people will accept being told to stay at home. In another 3-4 weeks folks are going to find it almost impossible especially if the numbers are starting to fall. I hope there is a gradual lifting of restrictions after this next phase otherwise there could be big trouble on the streets. This will need to apply only to the non-vulnerable people but the oldies and the vulnerable are in for a long spell yet. :(
As we are in our eighties we do tend to stay away from people.
My wife has'nt been out of the house since the epidemic started.
As for my self well I got out every morning for the new paper to the local corner shop,and while I'm there pick up a few items.
But we have a lovely neibour who orders goodies for us via her on line super market. far so good.
Good to read that everyone is keeping well.
As we are in our eighties we do tend to stay away from people.
My wife has'nt been out of the house since the epidemic started.
As for my self well I got out every morning for the new paper to the local corner shop,and while I'm there pick up a few items.
But we have a lovely neibour who orders goodies for us via her on line super market. far so good.
Good to read that everyone is keeping well.

Looks like most folk have died @historian as no one has posted in this thread for a month. Nice to see us oldies are still alive and kicking.:lol: