Hello, my name is carlos and I develop a application that work whit
the sim of the pda. The SO is Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition.
I try to insert one contact in the sim but the next method don't work.
The metode don't return any exception, but don't insert the contact in
the sim. I debbuging the application and I have seen that
phonebookEntry.Text and phonebookEntry.Address remains target
(phonebookEntry.Text = "").
I don't know because this happens, I hope that somebody can say to me
since it becomes.
PD. Sorry but my english is very bad (I can write also in spanish
or catalan)
the sim of the pda. The SO is Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition.
I try to insert one contact in the sim but the next method don't work.
The metode don't return any exception, but don't insert the contact in
the sim. I debbuging the application and I have seen that
phonebookEntry.Text and phonebookEntry.Address remains target
(phonebookEntry.Text = "").
I don't know because this happens, I hope that somebody can say to me
since it becomes.
Private Sub miAfegirContacteSim_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles miAfegirContacteSim.Click
Dim sim2 As OpenNETCF.Phone.Sim.Sim = New
Dim phonebook As OpenNETCF.Phone.Sim.Phonebook =
Dim phonebookEntry As New OpenNETCF.Phone.Sim.PhonebookEntry
phonebookEntry.AddressType =
phonebookEntry.Plan =
phonebookEntry.Text = "Carles"
phonebookEntry.Address = "937979797"
If (phonebook.Count < phonebook.Capacity) Then
Dim i As Integer = CType(sim2.Phonebook,
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
PD. Sorry but my english is very bad (I can write also in spanish
or catalan)