Dmitry V. Petkun
In VBA (Excel) I'm written procedure with an incoming parameter of type
Object. I need to determine which base class (not type) has this parameter.
How I can do it?
Public Sub FillControl(TargetControl As Object, SomeRS As ADODB.Recordset)
If [TargetControl is ComboBox] Then
TargetControl.AddItem "Item1"
ElseIf [TargetControl is Label] Then
TargetControl.Text = "Some text"
End If
End Sub
Dmitry V. Petkun
In VBA (Excel) I'm written procedure with an incoming parameter of type
Object. I need to determine which base class (not type) has this parameter.
How I can do it?
Public Sub FillControl(TargetControl As Object, SomeRS As ADODB.Recordset)
If [TargetControl is ComboBox] Then
TargetControl.AddItem "Item1"
ElseIf [TargetControl is Label] Then
TargetControl.Text = "Some text"
End If
End Sub
Dmitry V. Petkun