Maybe this is or isn't some kind of bug but it sure is goofy and remains a
mystery that really has me puzzled for two reasons...
// goofy syntax functions as expected...
Panel finalStepButton =
$StepNavFinalStepButton") as Panel;
// "normal form" object not found...
Panel finalStepButton =
..FindControl("StepNavFinalStepButton") as Panel;
1.) Why does the $ delineator even allow finding the control server-side
when it is used to delineate the ClientID?
2.) Why does the $ delineator over-ride the normal form of FindControl at
Ugly Betty or not, I'm just glad some "thing" works once in awhile
mystery that really has me puzzled for two reasons...
// goofy syntax functions as expected...
Panel finalStepButton =
$StepNavFinalStepButton") as Panel;
// "normal form" object not found...
Panel finalStepButton =
..FindControl("StepNavFinalStepButton") as Panel;
1.) Why does the $ delineator even allow finding the control server-side
when it is used to delineate the ClientID?
2.) Why does the $ delineator over-ride the normal form of FindControl at
Ugly Betty or not, I'm just glad some "thing" works once in awhile