Hello. Ive got a VC++ program. Inside the program Ive got some code that
has a full file path:
One of the folders in that path (cc) is a shortcut pointing to some other
folder far away.
The program doesnt seem to follow the shortcut. Im used to Unix, where
shortcuts are indistinguishable from folders (or files) and you cannot have a
shortcut and a folder with the same name in the same location. But Windows
treats things differently, as in:
C:\aa\bb\cc // a shortcut
C:\aa\bb\cc // a real folder
are both permitted to exist side-by-side. On Windows, apparently, the
shortcuts are really files with a .lnk suffix; and shortcuts are not treated
as "strongly" as in Unix. I guess shortcuts are only followed by Windows
Explorer GUI when a user cllicks on them?
My question is: Is there a way to create a shortcut so it behaves exactly
like a folder, and a program that accesses the shortcut will just pass
magically through it (to the target folder the shortcut points to) as if the
shortcut was a real folder?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
has a full file path:
One of the folders in that path (cc) is a shortcut pointing to some other
folder far away.
The program doesnt seem to follow the shortcut. Im used to Unix, where
shortcuts are indistinguishable from folders (or files) and you cannot have a
shortcut and a folder with the same name in the same location. But Windows
treats things differently, as in:
C:\aa\bb\cc // a shortcut
C:\aa\bb\cc // a real folder
are both permitted to exist side-by-side. On Windows, apparently, the
shortcuts are really files with a .lnk suffix; and shortcuts are not treated
as "strongly" as in Unix. I guess shortcuts are only followed by Windows
Explorer GUI when a user cllicks on them?
My question is: Is there a way to create a shortcut so it behaves exactly
like a folder, and a program that accesses the shortcut will just pass
magically through it (to the target folder the shortcut points to) as if the
shortcut was a real folder?
Thanks in advance for any replies.