Hmmm... though I hope he/they are sincere, I have to place some question
marks: (Dutch expression ;-) )
1) $47 isn't free. it is cheap (very cheap indee, but not free)
2) This guy is continualy trying to convince you he is not scamming. IMHO a
little too hard.
3) They guy that certified the website is scam free has a very odd email
adress (whitch is the only contact) outside the link to the website (witch
as whole other domainname as the e-mail address)
3) I've never seen the certification logo "tiger Certified" before. (But
then, it could be me)
4) You are not buying the software, but partnership of the organisation.
Though the website say it is liability free, most of us will not be
aquainted enough with florida laws to understand what this realy means.
5) The metatags link to an other site that does virtualy the same:
<meta name="Publisher" content=" -">
<meta name="Copyright" content="© 2001 by">
( does not exist anymore)
6) Unless I'm very mistaken, of all the listed programs are one or more
sourcecodes to be found, either as public domain or open souce. Adjusting
the source slightly, and then compiling it will be enoug to create all these
One side of me want it to be true, real and with out sam, the other side is
very sceptical about all of this. The John Corliss impersonator in my head
say it is still of toppic, whether I like it or not.
(Sorry John
