How fast AMD Athlon64 3800+

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan C
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Dan C

How fast, in comparision to Intel P4 2.8 , is the Athlon 64 3800+ or 4000+??

I am looking to upgrade my 2.8 p4.

I want to upgrade, not downgrade. These numbers amd uses are a little
How fast, in comparision to Intel P4 2.8 , is the Athlon 64 3800+ or
I am looking to upgrade my 2.8 p4.
I want to upgrade, not downgrade. These numbers amd uses are a little

AMD Athlon 64 CPUs perform more work per clock cycle than Intel P4's.
An Athlon 64 3800+ is around the same speed as a P4 3.8GHz CPU
but that depends on the intended use. See a CPU chart at: Athlon 64s are a great choice for most people. They are as fast orfaster in manyapps than similiarly price Intel CPUs, run cooler and use less power.---Kevin Chalker, Owner (KC COMPUTERS)E-mail: (e-mail address removed) Web: www.kc-computers.comInternet dealer since 1991!!! See WWW.RESELLERRATINGS.COM!!!
Dan C said:
How fast, in comparision to Intel P4 2.8 , is the Athlon 64 3800+ or

I am looking to upgrade my 2.8 p4.

I want to upgrade, not downgrade. These numbers amd uses are a little

No doubt the Athlon 64 3800 is significantly faster than a 2.8 p4. HOWEVER,
you won't notice the difference unless you are running benchmarks. It's
almost never a good idea to upgrade a system just to get a slightly faster
CPU, as you are going to end up with a system that is just as capable (no
more or less) than the system you replaced. Rebuilding a 2.8 P4 system
would be a waste of money, at the moment. There is nothing imaginable that
the 2.8 P4 system couldn't handle. If you are having trouble with a
particular game, your bottleneck is NOT the CPU, so a video card upgrade
might be a better idea. Or it's possible you need more RAM.

But if you need to replace the mainboard anyway (like if it's acting up on
you), then the Athlon 64 3800 is an awesome choice. But don't do it just to
get rid of a 2.8 P4. You won't be happy, and you will feel like you've
wasted your money. -Dave