I recently had some corruption in my NK2 file, the one that keeps track of
your nicknames used so you only have to type a few letters of a recipient's
name and it fills the rest in. I've read before that renaming it to
something else (.old) makes Outlook create a new one which fixes the
It made me wonder, though, whether it's possible to edit that file in some
program in case that's needed. I tried opening it in a text editor but it
didn't look very friendly. Just curious. Thanks for a reply
I recently had some corruption in my NK2 file, the one that keeps track of
your nicknames used so you only have to type a few letters of a recipient's
name and it fills the rest in. I've read before that renaming it to
something else (.old) makes Outlook create a new one which fixes the
It made me wonder, though, whether it's possible to edit that file in some
program in case that's needed. I tried opening it in a text editor but it
didn't look very friendly. Just curious. Thanks for a reply