hi, all guys,I 've encounter a very stranger error
NO any error message ,no any error any actions ,I just open Vs.net ,and then open a smart device project I wrote before
but the VS.NET has nothing to response.Now I could only see the project files but click it or modify (or select ...)
and anybody could help me that ?what happened in VS.NET ,because I can confirm that the VS.NET and .net cf are all right absoulte.why does vs.net can't open this project (this project I wrote just yesterday and run correctly)
Could anyone help me very very appreciate.
NO any error message ,no any error any actions ,I just open Vs.net ,and then open a smart device project I wrote before
but the VS.NET has nothing to response.Now I could only see the project files but click it or modify (or select ...)
and anybody could help me that ?what happened in VS.NET ,because I can confirm that the VS.NET and .net cf are all right absoulte.why does vs.net can't open this project (this project I wrote just yesterday and run correctly)
Could anyone help me very very appreciate.