A little known fact about COUNTIF is that it evaluates TEXT for equality the
same way it evaluates numbers.
=COUNTIF(A1:A4,">A") = 3
=COUNTIF(A1:A4,">D") = 0
You wanted to return the "largest" text entry in the range.
Here's how the formula works...
In the above formula LOOKUP uses 3 arguments:
lookup_value = 2
lookup_vector = 1/((COUNTIF(A1:A4,">"&A1:A4)=0)*(A1:A4<>""))
result_vector = A1:A4
Let's dissect the lookup_vector...
Since we want the largest text entry we "know" that the largest text entry
will have a COUNTIF result of 0 meanng there are no entries greater than the
largest text entry. See the COUNTIF formula above.
The COUNTIF will return an array of results:
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">"&A1) = COUNTIF(A1:A4,">A") = 3
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">"&B1) = COUNTIF(A1:A4,">B") = 2
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">"&C1) = COUNTIF(A1:A4,">D") = 0
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">"&D1) = COUNTIF(A1:A4,">C") = 1
We then test these results for equality to 0:
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">A") = 3 = 0 = FALSE
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">B") = 2 = 0 = FALSE
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">D") = 0 = 0 = TRUE
COUNTIF(A1:A4,">C") = 1 = 0 = FALSE
This array is then multiplied together with this array: (A1:A4<>"")
This is simply testing to make sure the cells are not blank. You may not
need that for your application but I put it in there out of habit! There's
really no difference with it or without it except when every cell in the
range is blank.
(A1<>"") = TRUE
(B1<>"") = TRUE
(C1<>"") = TRUE
(D1<>"") = TRUE
{F;F;T;F}*{T;T;T;T} ={0;0;1;0}
Ok, now comes the confusing part!!!
The way that LOOKUP works is:
If the lookup_value is greater than any value in lookup_vector, it will
match the
last value in the lookup_vector that is less than the
lookup_value. The lookup_value is 2 and the lookup_vector is 0;0;1;0. The
lookup_value 2
IS greater than any value in the lookup_vector so it will
match the
last value in the lookup_vector that is less than 2 and that
value is the last 0.
Now comes the really confusing part!!!
last value that is less than the lookup_value 2 is the
last 0.
However, this can't be our match since 0 means this entry failed to meet the
conditions of the COUNTIF=0 and/or the test for blank. So, we need to do
something about that.
LOOKUP ignores error values so we are going to use that to our advantage. We
divide 1 by the the array {0;0;1;0} knowing that any number divided by 0
returns the #DIV/0! error. So:
1/0 = #DIV/0!
1/0 = #DIV/0!
1/1 = 1
1/0 = #DIV/0!
So that becomes the array for the lookup_vector (D=#DIV/0!):
Now, the
last value in the lookup_vector that is less than the
lookup_value 2 is 1.
So the final result of the formula is the entry in the result_vector which
is the range A1:A4 that corresponds to 1.
D is the largest TEXT entry in the range.
So there you have it!