Hi Isaac,
It sounds like you have just heard of Access. Access is the right tool for
what you want to do. However, Access has a steep learning curve at the
beginning to get something useful and, if you continue on and develop Access
applications professionally it will be a continual learning process.
I suggest that you start reading with "Access for Dummies" bearing in mind
that it will tend to what you are doing. Better is "Access [YourVersion]
Step by Step" from Microsoft Press. For the Step by Step it's OK if you get
a book and CD a few versions back as the heart of the product doesn't change
that much.
Read, learn, and try things and then post back with questions. These
newsgroups are not "service for fee" but are provided by Microsoft for peer
support. Volunteers will look at the questions you post and will choose
which ones they will respond to. These groups are not intended to be
corrals for predators to leap all over innocent questioners.
This is an excellent newsgroup for getting started - clever name. There are
also other microsoft.public.access ... groups you might find useful.
Beginners should spend a lot of time lurking ...tablesdesign because good
data design is the heart of a good application.
I recommend that you get through at least one of the starter books and do
the practice exercises and ponder the results before you try to create your
production system. Stick with it and it will be worthwhile.