Leon Gorbaty [Bentley]
We have some managed assemblies that are compiled with the /clr switch for
some native code to load. These are currently compiled and linked against a
pure .NET 1.0 environment.
I have both VS.NET 1.0 and 1.1 installed on my box. I noticed (in debugger)
that 1.1 system dll's are being loaded (specifically the 1.1. CLR). I would
have expected the IJW mechanism to inspect the managed assemblies it has to
load, and run the appropriate CLR.
How does this work and what options do we have in controlling the CLR
loading. For example, knowing what I have now observed, I cannot trust
"machine.config" files on user-deployed computer, because I don't know which
CLR version is being read.
We have some managed assemblies that are compiled with the /clr switch for
some native code to load. These are currently compiled and linked against a
pure .NET 1.0 environment.
I have both VS.NET 1.0 and 1.1 installed on my box. I noticed (in debugger)
that 1.1 system dll's are being loaded (specifically the 1.1. CLR). I would
have expected the IJW mechanism to inspect the managed assemblies it has to
load, and run the appropriate CLR.
How does this work and what options do we have in controlling the CLR
loading. For example, knowing what I have now observed, I cannot trust
"machine.config" files on user-deployed computer, because I don't know which
CLR version is being read.