My epson 2480 real resolution is clearly under 1200dpi. Scanning at
2400 dpi, downsampling to 1200 and zooming to 200% with acdsee gives
you the very same image, no detail is lost.
As i had in mind before getting the epson, i'll get a dedicated
filmscanner for 35mm. Nikon ls-50 is to expensive for me, regardless
how good it is. Minolta Dual Scan IV would be great, but a great deal
of my negs show damages and scratches drumscanned at only 1300 dpi.
My only feasable choice is BENQ 2750i (2700 dpi, ICE). How does this
somewhat dated model compare to modern, high end flatbeds (dmax, color
reproduction and of course, dpi). Any clues with regard to this
My epson 2480 real resolution is clearly under 1200dpi. Scanning at
2400 dpi, downsampling to 1200 and zooming to 200% with acdsee gives
you the very same image, no detail is lost.
As i had in mind before getting the epson, i'll get a dedicated
filmscanner for 35mm. Nikon ls-50 is to expensive for me, regardless
how good it is. Minolta Dual Scan IV would be great, but a great deal
of my negs show damages and scratches drumscanned at only 1300 dpi.
My only feasable choice is BENQ 2750i (2700 dpi, ICE). How does this
somewhat dated model compare to modern, high end flatbeds (dmax, color
reproduction and of course, dpi). Any clues with regard to this