My network gets used for all sorts of stuff, ranging from test servers (with all manner of Windows O/S's) thru' to a support logging server with Exchange and SupportDesk, a laptop or two thrown in for good measure, and my baby (spec'd below).
Oh and they are mostly doing a little bit of crunching here and there
Wireless Desktop for pleasure (work fantasy football) , work training courses and nice wireless IBM T23 for the wife for all her ebay and girlie things..
Well mine is mostly for doing general stuff such as emailing, chatting to mates, surfing the net etc etc... i try to do most of my college work at college so its 99% play 1% work... so i voted all play.
My home PC is purely for personal use...I hate to use it for work purposes (I have my office PC for that). I have a personal notebook that I use for writing and, every now and then some 'work' work. I also have an iBook that i use for watching DVD and playing music. But my system is mainly used for web (downloading and browsing) and games. I also love web radio, especially radio 4 and BBC 7 for comedy shows on their 'listen again' sites.
I built two media PCs ones for backup for video, photography and sound, but I find myself doing college homework on them. Some of my homework is media.
I have enough parts to build another 900MHZ PC, but I think that will be a waste of space so all the parts are in static bags.
I dont want to pest infect my media PCs. I surf the net at the campus or a steathed PC that I built for the net.