We have a database that keeps track of our newsletters. It's only fields are
the date the form was published, display name and newsletter path. The
database serves as pointer and a way to sort the newsletters and to search
for them. I would like to know how to use 1 form to both update the database
fields and to also upload the newsletter from the author. We also have ftp
capability on our site. I want the db update and the file upload to be as
simple as possible for our newsletter writer. Thank you in advance.
the date the form was published, display name and newsletter path. The
database serves as pointer and a way to sort the newsletters and to search
for them. I would like to know how to use 1 form to both update the database
fields and to also upload the newsletter from the author. We also have ftp
capability on our site. I want the db update and the file upload to be as
simple as possible for our newsletter writer. Thank you in advance.