Hi Tommy,
If you want to show a Yes/No checkbox, there is a little trick that I use.
1) Format a cell as Wingdings font
2) Add borders around the cell
3) Apply the custom format "ü";;"û"
4) Use a data validation list to limit the cell values to 1 and 0 (or just
enter 1 for Yes, 0 for No).
The custom format shows a tick for all positive values, nothing for negative
values, and a cross for zeroes.
Limiting input to 1 and 0 makes it easy to use the cell in True/False
If using Excel 2007 you can make this look even better by using conditional
formatting and the 3 symbol icon set.
In that case just use the custom format ;; (does not show numbers in the
cell), and make sure you limit the input to 0 and 1.
Ed Ferrero