How do you show the office assistant in Office 2007?
It's gone in 2007
Oh, that's sad.
was so "sterile" as it is now in 2007. I've also had quite a few snags in
getting things to work in the new version of office because you have to
what ridiculous name they've given the option. If I hadn't remembered the
keyboard shortcuts, I would have been lost trying to print a word document
when I first started using the new version.
They added this "comic relief" character back in Office 97 and through the
years it's been a way for me to keep my sanity when I'm stuck in Excel or
Word. It was also fun to have my cats looking for where the other cat was
that was purring. Maybe that's why one of them thinks that the top of my
monitor is where she belongs.
But bad news for your cat: They only offer the paperclip, not the cat.
@Steve: Wouldn't this link be worth an entry in the "fun" section of the
My, you DO have an evil sense of humor. I like that. <g>
Awww. Do you miss your pal Clippy?
Thank you ;-))
You might want to add in the first line of problem description, that this
problem exists only in Office 2007.