How do you setup this king of form organisation

  • Thread starter Thread starter F. Angers
  • Start date Start date

F. Angers

Hi there,

If you have a database like client database. you have the client table, the
product table, the phone received table, the bank account table.

you see you have a lot of information to input in the database, a lot of the
form use subform, like for see the headform client table, and the sub form
phone table example.

after that if i have to go in the bank account table i'll go in a form like
client table with subform bank table.

each time i change form i have to reselect my client, what inteligent people
are doing for taking care of this situation?

thank for your patience.
Can't claim that I am intelligent but I normally use a MainForm, a
TabControl and Subforms on each Page of the TabControl.

The more efficient is to use only *one* SubformControl and change the
SourceObject when thuse wants to move from BankAccounts Products to
ReceivedCalls. This method is faster to load but there are more codes

OTOH, for this sort of info., you are better off reading a book on user
interface design which can give you a lot more info.
hehe thanks, but i already read a lot, but probably not enough, bcoz i don't
understand something, probablement about where to start, if i always keep
the same head on the form, and juste change the subform, the name of my
mainform is (Information général), and the name of example first subform is
(Créancier) the second one is (Debtor), can you give me a little ideal about
what will be the process if i take another solution like a bottom to change
the main form but keep going in the same record?
is it more sample then code?

When we talk about a Subform, we are actually talk about 2 distinct

1. The Subform *Control*: think of this as an empty rectangle on the Main
Form. This empty rectangle has Properties that synchronise data between the
Main Form and what it contains.

2. The Source Object: what is contained in the empty rectangle, usually
another Form. Users normally see this and ignore the rectangular container,
i.e. the Subform Control.

Thus you can use the same Subform *Control* and simply assign another Form
as the Source Object and your "Subform".

Check Access VB Help on the SourceObject. I think the Help topic has some
sample code. Most Access VBA books will also deal with this sort of things.