How do you set the current row of a dataset?
I want to bind a control to a field from the 5th row in a dataset.
I fill the dataset, then I want to set the row to the 5th row and then do
the databinding.
Dataset1.tblMyTable.CurrentIndex = 5 or something like that maybe?
'Sets the value for a field using index number......
Dataset1.tblMyTable(1).FieldName = strName
'Iterates through rows of a dataset but does not set the row
For Each myRow In DataSet1.tblMyTable.Rows
strName = myRow("FieldName")
I want to bind a control to a field from the 5th row in a dataset.
I fill the dataset, then I want to set the row to the 5th row and then do
the databinding.
Dataset1.tblMyTable.CurrentIndex = 5 or something like that maybe?
'Sets the value for a field using index number......
Dataset1.tblMyTable(1).FieldName = strName
'Iterates through rows of a dataset but does not set the row
For Each myRow In DataSet1.tblMyTable.Rows
strName = myRow("FieldName")