How do you search a table


Scott Werner

Hello All,

I'm really new to access and have a newbie question. I have a customer
database with first name, last name, address, city, state, zip and phone
number. I want to be able to search the table on either last name or
phone number. How do I do that?

The result, it should be unique, will be loaded into a form where all
the data is displayed.

Ideally, I would like a pop up box to show up where they type the data
they are looking for.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Duane Hookom

You can just build a form based on your table. Then, train your users to
right-click in a field and use the "Filter For" area to type in something
like *john*.

Ed Warren

Depends on how large and complex your application.
A 'quick and dirty' answer is to build a form for your table, then add a
dropdown box for last name, and another for telephone number (the wizard
will ask if you want to use it to lookup records in your table, answer yes
and follow the bouncing ball to the finish). When you are finished yo
should have two drop down boxes when you start typing in the last name it
goes to the record for that person.

Ed Warren.

Scott Werner

Thank you both for the advice. I will try them both to see what the
users like the best.

Thanks again !

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