how do you overclock a cpu?

May 27, 2005
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I am new with this, and I wonder how to overclock a cpu. i did some research and i know i can overclock the cpu from 2.6GHz to 3.14GHz. Ohh i am using a P4. I will be happy with an info.
hi can you give us more info on your system, you won't be able to OC that much with just air so im assuming you have a decent watercooling setup ?
Me__2001 said:
hi can you give us more info on your system, you won't be able to OC that much with just air so im assuming you have a decent watercooling setup ?
doubt it, watercooling is a little expensive if you havent heard :D
ive been able to get a good overclock with air cooling, but i had to get new CPU cooler and more fans.
First thing ill tell you, i hope you know the risks involved in overclocking, second, other members (Flops, Mucks) will tell you its a bad idea and try to steer you away (they tried with me:D)
Third, i dont know how to OC a Pentium 4 :p

gimme a few minutes and ill get you a good site to get info on OCing on...
i got 300 Mhz OC with air but he's saying over 500 is possible, 200Mhz will probably be the limit with stock cooling
Me__2001 said:
i got 300 Mhz OC with air but he's saying over 500 is possible, 200Mhz will probably be the limit with stock cooling
ive been able to get a 300Mzh oc, the limiting factor was my mother board.. still dont know much about multipliers...
Me_2001 my system specs are:

Intel bord D8565PERL Chipset 865PE
Intel Pentium 4 2.60GHz
x2 CORSAIR ValueSelect 512MB 184-Pin PC 3200
x2 WD 120G HD
Lite-on DVD/CD burner
ATI 9600SE by GIGABYTE (saving for ATI 9800pro)
unknown said:
Me_2001 my system specs are:

Intel bord D8565PERL Chipset 865PE
Intel Pentium 4 2.60GHz
x2 CORSAIR ValueSelect 512MB 184-Pin PC 3200
x2 WD 120G HD
Lite-on DVD/CD burner
ATI 9600SE by GIGABYTE (saving for ATI 9800pro)

nice nickname:!
thanks for the site. it gave me a general view how to do it. but i will try to find a pro to do it for me. he will know better, than me. thanks agien
Why do you people need to OC? SPEED is not everything! I prefer QUALITY!
With the correct quality speed will be accomplished without the need for OC.
Treat your computer with care and attention the rest will fall into place.
I built my Beauty two years ago it has never crashed=frozen=or let me down in any way.
When you are about to purchase and or build a PC work out before hand what you intend to use it for Graphics, music, video, Etc: then acquire or build one to suit your needs.
download this it will allow you to OC straight from the desktop, its not permanent the speed will reset after reboot but it will give you an idea how far you can push it make sure you keep an eye on the temp off the CPU it will get really hot and can be damaged if it gets too hot

only increase in 10Mhz incriments and be careful

when you find a stable speed you can set it in the BIOS so its permanent
I have never had a problem with overclocking, and i OCed both the CPU and Videocard... Of course i have lower the clock speeds since its hot down here.
Hey Unknown, i suggest getting a 6600 GT instead of a 9800 Pro
I have to agree with itsme on this with regards to CPU's

I overclock my graphics card though, runs at 550 MHz whooooosh!
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Alf said:
First thing ill tell you, i hope you know the risks involved in overclocking, second, other members (Flops, Mucks) will tell you its a bad idea and try to steer you away (they tried with me:D)

Oi oi oi! Enough already, I have been unjustly represented :mad:


As far as I know, I have never spoken out against overclocking, in fact I'd encourage it. Why else would I pay extra for a DFI board?

Using spec in my sig, my XP3200's running 200Mhz over spec at 2.4Ghz. And it's stable.

I used Clockgen within OS to see how far it would go before it crashed, then set BIOS. I can store around four different BIOS's on the DFI board, and switch between them, which is good.

If I had better RAM, I could probably go higher, I think that's my weak link.
floppybootstomp said:
Oi oi oi! Enough already, I have been unjustly represented :mad:
As far as I know, I have never spoken out against overclocking, in fact I'd encourage it. Why else would I pay extra for a DFI board?
Hah, whoops sorry bout that Flops
i though you frowned down on that, cause i posted a similar question in my early days. (i read your post wrong :D)
uhh... Go with Flops... Overclock like theres no tommorrow :D
Hi there,
Firstly, before overclocking, you should be aware that by OCing you will find that you void most of your components warranties (although it would be difficult for a manufacturer to prove that OCing was the cause if a component went wrong), also as mentioned by other members you will probabally have to upgrade your cooling to better air cooling or even a watercooling setup depending on the scale of the OC you want to achieve.

In order to OC a P4, you normally have to increase the fsb speed via BIOS, as P4's have locked multiplier settings (unlike AMD's). By increasing the fsb speed this means that you will also be increasing the operating speed of your memory, so you may also have to look into upgrading your memory also (to something like DDR500, instead of the DDR400 that I presume you're already using).

It can be a long and laborious process to achieve a stable OC!
You should go into BIOS and raise the fsb speed 1MHz at a time, then save settings, restart, boot into windows and see if your computer is running stably. If it is stable, then you can go back to BIOS, increase another 1MHz, save settings and boot back into windows again. Keep doing this until Windows crashes (where you'll have to go back to BIOS and change back to the last stable fsb Speed.
Depending how much you try to OC, you may also have to increase the CPU's core voltage (vcore), to keep the system running stably.

Throughout your OC process, do constantly moniter your CPU temp to see if it gets too hot or not.

So, you will find your main limits are CPU temp, how far your mobo will allow you to increase the fsb, and the speed of your memory.

Happy OCing! :)