I'm not sure this is the right group but here goes.
I did what Duane suggested. It works however it can take up to two minutes
before the report is displayed.
Does anyone have any idea how I can speed up the query or the report? The
number of rows in the result is 300.
If I run just the DCount it takes some time. That's the part perhaps where
some modifications could help speed things up.
DCount('*','qryscribesheets',' [qrySelectDogsInEventEntry].[TitleID]= 7and
EventDateID=64 and ArmBandNumber<' & [ArmBandNumber]) Mod
DCount('*','qryscribesheets','TitleID= 7 and EventDateID=64')/2
Here's the entire query, it's complicated. The database is normalized. The
query is slow but put the query together with the report and two minutes to
complete happens.
strSQL = "SELECT DCount('*','qryscribesheets','
[qrySelectDogsInEventEntry].[TitleID]=" & frm!cboSelectTitle & _
" and EventDateID=" & frm!cboSelectEventDate & " and " & _
"ArmBandNumber<' & [qrySelectArmBandNumbers].[ArmBandNumber]) Mod
DCount('*','qryscribesheets','TitleID=" & frm!cboSelectTitle & " " & _
"and EventDateID=64')/2 AS col, qrySelectDogsInEvent.DogID,
qrySelectDogsInEvent.CallName, " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.TitleEventDateID, tblEventDate.EventDate,
qrySelectTitle.ClassName, " & _
"qrySelectTitle.LevelName, qrySelectTitle.DivisionName,
qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.JumpHeightCD, " & _
qrySelectArmBandNumbers.ArmBandNumber, " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEvent.BreedName, qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.MovedUp,
qrySelectTitle.CatalogSortOrder, " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEvent.HandlerFirstName & ' ' & [HandlerLastName] AS
HandlerName, " & _
"tblEventDate.EventDateID, qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.TitleID,
tblEventDate.EventDateDescription " & _
"FROM qrySelectArmBandNumbers INNER JOIN (((tblEventDate INNER JOIN
qrySelectDogsInEventEntry ON " & _
"tblEventDate.EventDateID = qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.EventDateID)
INNER JOIN qrySelectDogsInEvent ON " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.DogID = qrySelectDogsInEvent.DogID) INNER
JOIN qrySelectTitle ON " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.TitleID = qrySelectTitle.TitleID) ON
qrySelectArmBandNumbers.DogID = " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEvent.DogID " & _
"WHERE tblEventDate.EventDateID=" & frm!cboSelectEventDate & " AND
qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.TitleID=" & frm!cboSelectTitle & " " & _
"ORDER BY qrySelectArmBandNumbers.CatalogSortOrder,
qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.JumpHeightinInches, " & _
"qrySelectDogsInEventEntry.MovedUp DESC ,
qrySelectArmBandNumbers.ArmBandNumber, tblEventDate.EventDate"
Duane Hookom said:
I did an example with the Employee table in Northwind. My report's record
source query is:
SELECT DCount("*","Employees","LastName <""" & [LastName] & """") Mod 3 AS
Col, Employees.*
FROM Employees;
In the sorting and grouping, I sorted first by Col and then by LastName.
three column report that displayed across then down actually prints like:
Buchanan Dodsworth Leverling
Callahan Fuller Peacock
Davolio King Suyama
It looks like down then across but the Page->Setup->Columns is Across,
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP
rick allison said:
Thanks but not quite...
I have no idea what to do with the first query.
The second query resulted in (I like how it sequenced it, that's good
1 Abe
2 Bart
3 Chris
4 Darrin
5 Edward
6 FrankBut what I need is
1 Abe
2 Darrin
3 Bart
4 Edward
5 Chris
6 Frank
So when the columns in a subreport print it shows as...
1 Abe 2 Darrin
3 Bart 4 Edward
5 Chris 6 Frank
Notice A,B,C in column 1 and D,E,F in column 2
Use a ranking in a group query like this --
SELECT Q.Group, Q.Item_no, Q.Points, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Product] Q1
WHERE Q1.[Group] = Q.[Group]
AND Q1.[Points] < Q.[Points])+1 AS Rank
FROM Product AS Q
ORDER BY Q.Group, Q.Points;
Try this --
SELECT Q.FName, (SELECT Count(*) FROM YourTable AS Q1 WHERE Q.FName >=
Q1.FName) AS Sequence
FROM YourTable AS Q
Build a little, test a little.
From a 2004 posting from Duane Hookom...
Assuming you have a list of names Abe, Bart, Chris, Darrin, Edward,
that you want to appear in a two-column subreport as:
Abe Darrin
Bart Edward
Chris Frank
Rather than:
Abe Bart
Chris Darrin
Edward Frank
You would need to create a sequencing value in your query/record
values like:
1 Abe
2 Darrin
3 Bart
4 Edward
5 Chris
6 Frank
I like the idea. How in the heck do you create a query/record source