Gwen Morse
To start, thanks for the useful information on processor upgrades for
my motherboard. I was able to decide on the upgrade I wanted. I also
found the power supply I wanted without asking any questions. My next
(and hopefully final question) is on video cards.
How do I know what type of video cards my motherboard supports. I have
a M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition board, which supports DDR2 RAM
sticks. I'm considering a video card with a HDMI connector and DDR3
memory built into it (this is for a home theater/gaming pc). Does my
motherboard simply have to support PCI-e cards, or, will it only
support PCI-e cards with DDR2 RAM? I hope this question makes sense?
my motherboard. I was able to decide on the upgrade I wanted. I also
found the power supply I wanted without asking any questions. My next
(and hopefully final question) is on video cards.
How do I know what type of video cards my motherboard supports. I have
a M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition board, which supports DDR2 RAM
sticks. I'm considering a video card with a HDMI connector and DDR3
memory built into it (this is for a home theater/gaming pc). Does my
motherboard simply have to support PCI-e cards, or, will it only
support PCI-e cards with DDR2 RAM? I hope this question makes sense?