How do you Hide from the Object Browser

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim
  • Start date Start date


How do you hide a variable, property , class, method, or
anything from the object Browser?

I know if I use the Attribute
that you can have a Property or Event hidden from the from
the Property Browser.

I know if I use the Attribute
that the Property or Event is hidden IntelliSense.

I know that you you make a variable Public it is visable
and if it is private that it is hidden.

So how do I hide anything from showing in the Object
Browser, a Attribute or a access modifier?

I don't think that it is the

I have also tried changing from public, private,
protected, internal, and protected internal and none of
these seem to work.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Please post a reply and send me an e-mail with the answer.

Thank You.
To the best of my knowledge there is no solution to this problem. Even if
you could somehow hide your variable to the object browser, there are lot of
free Decompilers out there that could still show it. If it is intellectual
property you are worried about then i would suggest going in for a good
obfuscation tool.