I am relatively new to Excel programming. I am trying to
generate an Excel chart with different data ranges.
I've been able to select a range of cells for the data
that I want to Chart
--Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select--
I was trying to store the address into a variable to be
used later, i.e.,
--DataRange = Selection.Address--
I was going to use this variable to put into
--ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=DataRange _
, PlotBy:=xlColumns
But it generates an error stating that '.Address' is an
invalid property of Selection.
I've been trying all kinds of different objects and
properties for over 3 hours. It seems like a simple thing
to do. But.......Help
generate an Excel chart with different data ranges.
I've been able to select a range of cells for the data
that I want to Chart
--Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select--
I was trying to store the address into a variable to be
used later, i.e.,
--DataRange = Selection.Address--
I was going to use this variable to put into
--ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=DataRange _
, PlotBy:=xlColumns
But it generates an error stating that '.Address' is an
invalid property of Selection.
I've been trying all kinds of different objects and
properties for over 3 hours. It seems like a simple thing
to do. But.......Help