How do you format custom fields designed for custom contact forms?

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I have just designed a custom Contact form. The problem I am having is that I added several custom phone number fields (like "Toll Free" and a second "Cell Phone") and I can't find a way to format them so that they display properly. For example the number will display as 1234567890 instead of (123) 456-7890. I have the same type of problem with a custom address field. I have tried changing everything I can think of in both "Properties" and "Advanced Properties"- no luck.
No user defined field will format as a phone number unless you add code to
do that. In addition you might have to determine what phone formats to
support if any contact is located in another country. If you want that
formatting style you will have to parse the text in the field and add the
formatting characters yourself.

Debalan said:
I have just designed a custom Contact form. The problem I am having is
that I added several custom phone number fields (like "Toll Free" and a
second "Cell Phone") and I can't find a way to format them so that they
display properly. For example the number will display as 1234567890 instead
of (123) 456-7890. I have the same type of problem with a custom address
field. I have tried changing everything I can think of in both "Properties"
and "Advanced Properties"- no luck.
Thank you Ken- but I am afraid I am not as advanced a user as you are. I don't know how to go about "adding code". Is there anywhere I can get detailed directions and examples written for the beginning designer

PS: I only need to format telephone fields for US dialing and addresses.
You can look over the information at Outlookcode, starting at

You can also purchase a book on Outlook development, I highly recommend Sue
Mosher's book, which is referenced on that Web page I cited.

Debalan said:
Thank you Ken- but I am afraid I am not as advanced a user as you are. I
don't know how to go about "adding code". Is there anywhere I can get
detailed directions and examples written for the beginning designer?
You might also want to look at this KB article:

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Debalan said:
Thank you Ken- but I am afraid I am not as advanced a user as you are. I
don't know how to go about "adding code". Is there anywhere I can get
detailed directions and examples written for the beginning designer?