In addition to the helpful and not so helpful answers to your question ,
might I add------
It is possible that not all XPhome OEM versions do not come with a backup
program , however mine did. I believe it is called the ' value added pk' but
don't quote me on that.
I don't pretend to be computer savvy as most here ,but since I just looked
,I see backup is there.
There are a few things MS decided not to include in its native backup
program for XPhome. One being that you can't back up directly to CD, but
first must save (possibly to your MY DOCUMENTS folder on your desktop)
Another thing missing is the ability to span CDs , so if you have more info
to backup than one CD will hold -- just don't back up more at a time than it
will hold. Other ' retail' backup programs will span CDs, so if you need
that feature , you must buy the program.
Hope I haven't confused the issue, but someone needed to give a more
definitive answer to your question.
Try this . Go to START>ACCESSORIES>SYSTEM TOOLS. If you have it already it
may be there. If not and you received CDs with your computer, it may be
located on one of them.
Tall_Man said:
My XP Home computer will not let me do a backup.
There is never a screen that asks me to log on as administrator.
Do I have to logon as administrator to backup? If so, how do I logon as Administrator?
I am the only user of my computer.
I have looked thru help, but it doesnt finish the whole answer. It only
talks in generalities, from what I can find in help.