Hi All,
We are currently adding printers based on group membership, via VB script..
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection \\server\printer
But we mostly have problems with users who travel and require printers at
the local site to be installed.
What is the best way to deploy printers to a med-large organization ? We
have tried using Group Policy (with Print Management), which was a massive
headache. Although we have not tried GP Prefs.. What are your experiences ?
(( If this is not the correct group to post to, could someone please point
me in the right direction ? ))
Thanks !
We are currently adding printers based on group membership, via VB script..
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection \\server\printer
But we mostly have problems with users who travel and require printers at
the local site to be installed.
What is the best way to deploy printers to a med-large organization ? We
have tried using Group Policy (with Print Management), which was a massive
headache. Although we have not tried GP Prefs.. What are your experiences ?
(( If this is not the correct group to post to, could someone please point
me in the right direction ? ))
Thanks !