Hi Suzanne, Terry
I have to say that this is not my experience. If I set Normal style in
Normal.dot to be, say, 8pt Arial Magenta, and if (Word 2003 here), in
the Templates dialog, I select the Template radio button and create a
new Template, then Word will create my new template with the
out-of-the-box settings and Normal style will be TNR 12. I conclude
that, in this case, Word is not creating my new template on normal.dot,
but is instead building it straight from its default settings stored in
the binary.
On the other hand, if I create a new document (with my 8pt Arial
Magenta) and save it as a template, then I get a template with 8pt Arial
Magenta for Normal style.
Is that not what you see?
Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.