I have two PC's which have been configured to connect to a domain.
The PC's have cached credentials and therefore can work offline or connect to
the domain, via dialup, to connect to the internet, map network drives to
servers in remote locations and access email.
These two PC's are located in the same building and are connected together via
the structured cabling via a 4 port hub.
How do I configure these PC's to share files and folders whilst not connected
to the domain via the phone line.
Any help welcomed.
Barrie Walker
IT Manger
I have two PC's which have been configured to connect to a domain.
The PC's have cached credentials and therefore can work offline or connect to
the domain, via dialup, to connect to the internet, map network drives to
servers in remote locations and access email.
These two PC's are located in the same building and are connected together via
the structured cabling via a 4 port hub.
How do I configure these PC's to share files and folders whilst not connected
to the domain via the phone line.
Any help welcomed.
Barrie Walker
IT Manger