After a user has entered their logon credentials on a Windows XP computer,
logon begins. During this process a background is displayed between logon
and the users’ desktop displaying. This is the background which is displayed
while logon scripts are running (the background is blue). Does anyone know
where this can be changed (is there a registry key or a dll that can be
Here is an overview:
1. A user enters their Logon Credentials into their Windows XP Desktop
computer (they are logging onto a Windows 2003 domain).
2. Once these credentials have been verified Windows begins the logon process
3. During this process a blue desktop is displayed before the users desktop
is displayed
How is this background changed?
I have already modified the registry key below, however this only changed
the logon background briefly:
Key: Default\Control Panel\Desktop
Name: Wallpaper
Data Type: REG_SZ
Valueath to the bitmap
logon begins. During this process a background is displayed between logon
and the users’ desktop displaying. This is the background which is displayed
while logon scripts are running (the background is blue). Does anyone know
where this can be changed (is there a registry key or a dll that can be
Here is an overview:
1. A user enters their Logon Credentials into their Windows XP Desktop
computer (they are logging onto a Windows 2003 domain).
2. Once these credentials have been verified Windows begins the logon process
3. During this process a blue desktop is displayed before the users desktop
is displayed
How is this background changed?
I have already modified the registry key below, however this only changed
the logon background briefly:
Key: Default\Control Panel\Desktop
Name: Wallpaper
Data Type: REG_SZ
Valueath to the bitmap