I have a Private Sub cmdViewROEDetails_Click() that I have a lot of code in.
I want to take advantage of that lengthy code on another form. Yeah, I can
copy paste it to a Private Sub on the new form, but I am thinking ahead to
when I may need to change a piece of it. I wouldn't want to have to remember
to go to all the forms' code and make each small change and remember to make
it everywhere.
How would I call the piece of code? Is that what a Public sub is for? If
so, do I make Public Sub cmdViewROEDetails_Click and put my code in it. Then
how do I call it from another form?
I want to take advantage of that lengthy code on another form. Yeah, I can
copy paste it to a Private Sub on the new form, but I am thinking ahead to
when I may need to change a piece of it. I wouldn't want to have to remember
to go to all the forms' code and make each small change and remember to make
it everywhere.
How would I call the piece of code? Is that what a Public sub is for? If
so, do I make Public Sub cmdViewROEDetails_Click and put my code in it. Then
how do I call it from another form?