How do you browse the net?

How do you browse the net?

  • PC

    Votes: 12 100.0%
  • Tablet

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Phone

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Just wondering how people browse the net for day-to-day stuff? Do you use a PC, tablet or phone?

I imagine most of us will use a combination of several platforms, so I've made a multiple choice poll. I'm hoping to make this site a little more mobile friendly in future, so this will be of great interest to me :).

I mainly use my PC, but probably 10-20% of my browsing is done on my iPad or phone - and that percentage is increasing. Most of that is done in the mornings or evenings when my PC isn't on.
I'd say 70% of my browsing is done by PC and the other 30% done on phone and iPad.
My answer: PC & Tablet.

That is the short version. The somewhat longer version is that I use phone for browsing only when there is no other choice — simply because (although I am forever young) I seem to be increasingly suffering from short arm syndrome (aka presbyopia). A ten-inch tablet (combined with a pair of reading glasses) is a winner whilst reading in horizontal position (it is also a surprisingly functional laptop replacement), but the UI of an old fashioned, real-deal computer & a LARGE display can not be beaten... at least not by smartphones or tablets.


Was this post helpful in any way whatsover? :fool:
PC only. :)

Can't be doing with all this new fangled stuff. :D

Just a query, Ian. To what do the percentages refer? Can't be a percentage of the total. :confused:
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Several desktop PC's using mostly Opera, ooccasionally IE10 (which I don't like much but sometimes some sites have quirks that only IE will resolve).

I don't use my phone for browsing at all and I don't have a laptop in regular use or own a tablet.

I don't use my (iPhone 4) for 2 reasons: The screen, compared to my 27" monitor, is small, and although I can see it when I've got me bins on, it irritates me. Second reason is that when I leave home, I like to leave the whole online world far behind, to walk the riverbank is to be technology free, and it's very refreshing.
Almost always on a PC, but on my Phone when I'm out and about. Don't have a tablet.
I have loads of tablets, however, none of them are capable of receiving electricity, nevermind the internet.

So I use my PC, and my phone lets me know when I have mail while playing games. :)

Use the PC mostly

If I'm out I use the phone to check fantasy football sites to make changes to my teams and check email, but not a great deal more than that as its painful..
Tablet use is few and far between but 10.1" screen is a nicer experience than the phone I tell ya, its nice to surf sometimes while in bed on the Tablet

PC 80%
Mobile 15%
Tablet 5%
99.99% on PC
00.01% on Mobile
And the only Tablet i have is for hayfever!!!!:lol:
Almost always on a PC, but on my Phone when I'm out and about. Don't have a tablet.

+1. 5" screen makes web browsing easy! :D

Though I would like a Nexus tablet.....
100% PC here. Don't own a tablet or internet capable phone. Our 4G Kindles are internet capable... but browsing would be very slow. We use the 4G for downloading books only (after first browsing for them/purchasing them via the PC.) :D
I don`t have either a smart `phone or tablet so I do all my browsing on the P.C.
Some one mentioned a "Nexus" That one I like. Does anyone own one? What is it like??