How do you actually Close Windows Mail?



I'm trying to install an internet security program and it says that it can't
because Windows Mail is running and I can't figure out how to close it or
even uninstall it. I use Vista. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dustin Harper

Try rebooting. If you still get the error, you can right click on the
taskbar, go to Task Manager, and look for WinMail.exe. Click that, then on
the "End Process" button. It should be closed now. Then try reinstalling
your program. Although, I think a reboot should solve the problem.


I restarted it, got the same msg, tried the task manager and WinMail.exe
wasn't on it

Gary VanderMolen

If you succeed in installing that security program, it may hose your
Windows Mail. McAfee and Norton programs are especially not
compatible with Windows Mail.

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