How do websites know where I live?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rusty
  • Start date Start date


How do websites know what town I live in? Sometimes I see ads from sites
like Myspace advertising to meet people in my town. I have removed all
address, zip, and telephone numbers from my Internet Options > Content > My
Profile (I'd like to be able to use the profile for web forms if it's not
the culprit). I've deleted any cookies that I can find containing my
zipcode (there were a couple of those) .
Can it be gleaned from my broadband IP address? I keep my Internet Options
Privacy settings to medium high and am downright anal about adware
scanning with regularly updated malware programs. Every other day I scan
with Ad-aware, Bazooka, Spybot-Search and Destroy, Windows malicious
software removal, and Spyware blaster. I run windows XP SP2 with Norton
internet security 2005, all fully current with updates.
I have also seen, in a sig on a forum, a picture of a waving sign saying
"Your IP is ....., and your ISP is .... and then some "humorous" comment.
When I go to Symantec security response I get all green checks for my
firewall. Any ideas?
I have often wondered how city map boards know where I am - it always says
'you are here' - how do they get their information ?
That is funny, Christopher!

Thornton Cheechoo

Christopher said:
I have often wondered how city map boards know where I am - it always says
'you are here' - how do they get their information ?
chronosynclastic infunbibulae

Christopher said:
I have often wondered how city map boards know where I am - it always says
'you are here' - how do they get their information ?