How do we keep change bars in WORD 2000 when changes are incorpora



Using WORD 2000: Our publication style requires that we use change bars to
mark text where a change was incorporated. This is so that reviewers will
know that the document being viewed changed in the marked location, to the
text shown, and that the reviewer should refer back to the original document
to see the original wording. Our wordsmith is unable to get the change bar to
stay next to the modified text when she incorporates changes - the change
bars go away.

Is this doable by a macro?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Kevin

I assume you're using Word's Track Changes functionality. The change bars
will display (1) there are un-accepted tracked changes in the document and
(2) you are displaying Tracked Changes. Is it possible that the display of
tracked changes is being turned off inadvertently?

For more information, see:

How does Track Changes in Microsoft Word work?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


We want to accept tracked changes (at which point we save as a new version of
the document) AND show the location that had the change by displaying change
bars - which doesn't comply with your conditions.

Shauna Kelly said:
Hi Kevin

I assume you're using Word's Track Changes functionality. The change bars
will display (1) there are un-accepted tracked changes in the document and
(2) you are displaying Tracked Changes. Is it possible that the display of
tracked changes is being turned off inadvertently?

For more information, see:

How does Track Changes in Microsoft Word work?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Shauna Kelly

Hi Kevin

If you accept the tracked changes, then Word has no changes left to mark
with a line in the margin. I guess you could add lines to the document, as
graphics, and position them very very carefully. Or, you could put a left
border on the paragraph. Or even create a style that included a left border,
and apply it to indicate that there was a change in this paragraph.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Kevin Who said:
We want to accept tracked changes (at which point we save as a new version
the document) AND show the location that had the change by displaying
bars - which doesn't comply with your conditions.

Chad DeMeyer


As Shauna Kelly indicated in a previous post, accepting tracked changes and
continuing to display the change bars is not possible. However, if the
problem is that you currently see redline/strikeout marks in addition to the
change bars, and you want to see the change bars only in the final print,
you can alter the display of tracked changes using Tools>Options, Track
Changes tab.


Kevin Who said:
Using WORD 2000: Our publication style requires that we use change bars to
mark text where a change was incorporated. This is so that reviewers will
know that the document being viewed changed in the marked location, to the
text shown, and that the reviewer should refer back to the original document
to see the original wording. Our wordsmith is unable to get the change bar to
stay next to the modified text when she incorporates changes - the change
bars go away.

Is this doable by a macro?

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