How do points work?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Does more hits = more points?

Or time + CPU = points?

Or random number * 41 = points? ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
Does more hits = more points?

Or time + CPU = points?

Or random number * 41 = points? ;)

By what I gather hits are more important don’t really know.

Take yesterday at19.00 hrs I had to turn my PC of at that time I had 34 hits now after boot up today I have 6??? Been on the Fad site and it shows 0 :confused:
Use "sleep" mode before switching off, just a guess. I first switched off my laptop without that function and lost not only hits but the percentage dropped considerably. Since I use sleep mode the problem seems to be sorted out. I cannot say for sure but it works for me, try it no harm. I had to figure it out since I use a laptop back and forth from office and home.
Ian Cunningham said:
Does more hits = more points?

Or time + CPU = points?

Or random number * 41 = points? ;)
I've answered this before ... twice, do a search. :D

I better go find it and put it into FAQs ... ;)

itsme you will find THINK makes it's own 'check points' especially after a Hit, and on average every hour ... however, if you turn off your PC, THINK may loose where it was. :( At max you should have only lost an hours work, so I've no idea why it did that.

I find that if I put it to sleep/snooze first, then it seems to be ok and continues ... but I don't turn my PC off unless I was playing with Linux ... mine runs 24/7

The "updates" can take some time to get reflected on the stats page ... but it usually gets sorted at some time.

Hopefully Ian can get our own up and running ... :thumb:
Snap Quad

I must type faster ... and use less words

Thanks Ian and Mucks!;)

I think I am snoozing myself sometimes:eek: never mind we all get old:(