How do insert into a DB



I have a database field of type datetime. This field should store a system
time when a record is inserted. The other fields in the record are bound to a
control and I have no problems with them. I tried setting the datetime field
with a default value using getdate(), but it still does not work. How can I
use a statement similar these beow to achieve this?

My current code:

<asp:ControlParameter Name="BillingAddress" Type="String"
ControlID="BillingAddress" PropertyName="Text" />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="BillingCity" Type="String"
ControlID="BillingCity" PropertyName="Text" />

<!-- This is where my problem is !-->
<asp:ControlParameter Name="SignUpDate" Type="String" .... />

Alexey Smirnov

I have a database field of type datetime. This field should store a system
time when a record is inserted. The other fields in the record are bound to a
control and I have no problems with them. I tried setting the datetime field
with a default value using getdate(), but it still does not work. How can I
use a statement similar these beow to achieve this?

My current code:

<asp:ControlParameter Name="BillingAddress" Type="String"
ControlID="BillingAddress" PropertyName="Text" />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="BillingCity" Type="String"
ControlID="BillingCity" PropertyName="Text" />

<!-- This is where my problem is !-->
<asp:ControlParameter Name="SignUpDate" Type="String" .... />

SQL Server?

I think, you can specify the date in the statement:

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO... getdate()....

You can also create a constraint for the table, it will add a date

ALTER TABLE [tablename] ADD
CONSTRAINT [somename] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [columnname]


I agree with Alexey. Also, I wanted to add that maybe your problem is
that your are missing the quotes around the date. If you are sending
a date to SQL Server as a string (which is fine) be sure to treat it
like a string and put quotes around it.

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