How do I write a life's goals plan?


Graham Mayor

This forum deals with the how, not the what. How would we know what you want
out of life and whether you are equipped with the skills needed to achieve
it? In any case what's the point of this exercise? Is your memory so bad
that you have to write down your aspirations?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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JoAnn Paules

Lock yourself in an empty room with a couple of bottles of cheap booze. No
phone, no TV, no computer. Stay there for a few days. I can almost guarantee
you that by the time you run out of booze, you'll see the path you want your
life to take. (After you head to the bathroom, of course.)


JoAnn Paules
Microsoft MVP - Publisher

How to ask a question


Rooster said:
I want to write a lifes goals plan and need some tips on how this is done.

Step 1. Obtain a life.
Step 2. Evaluate present life.
Step 3. Postulate future life.
Step 4. Identify major differences between Step 3 and Step 2
Step 5. Conduct SWOT* analysis of items identified in Step 4.
Step 6. Accentuate the "S";
Attenuate the "W",
Seize the "O",
Overcome the "T"
Step 7. Go to and download one.
Step 8. Open a tinnie (preferably Foster's Lager)
Step 9. Scratch stomach and belch.
Step 10. Another tinnie
(* SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - a management tool
beloved of seminar presenters in the '80s. Whatever became of them?)


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