Issue not resolved but I learned something from your previous post and
from the following article on the subject.
3. Buttons to Run Excel Macros
When a button is drawn onto a sheet the assign macro is not displayed.
When right-clicking on the button the "Assign Macro" context menu item
is not present.
There are buttons from the Forms toolbar and there are buttons from
the Control Toolbox. If "Assign Macro" is not an option then it's from
the Control Toolbox.
Choose "View code" and call your macro from it like this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call Macro1
End Sub
So I created a simple worksheet with a simple macro, which worked
then I created a button from the button icon on my menu toolbar (not
from the toolbox)
Then I right-clicked my button to assign my macro, and it worked
But I could not find anywhere the commmandbutton1_click() procedure,
whether in
the General Module or the Worksheet.
As you guessed, I was not using the commandbuttons from the control
toolbox toolbar, but using buttons from the Forms toolbar???
So I created another button for the same macro using the control
toolbox toolbar.
When I right-clicked it, I could see the View Code and place my Call
in the CommandButton1_Click() and it worked and I am satisfied. Lesson
However, I still would be curious on how to access the code behind a
button created from the Forms Toolbar.
Thank you for your help.