To print booklet, the first thing you need to do is to ensure that you have
a duplexer unit installed.
Right Click Printer-->Printer Properties ->Device Settings-->Installable
Options-->Duplex Unit.
Now you have to choose booklet
Right click printer ->Printer
Preferences-->layout-->PagesPerSheet-->Booklet. This will set all printing
to booklet. If you want to print certain documents as booklet, then you'll
have to do the above in the Print Dialog. For example, in notepad
File->Print-> choose printer with duplexing enabled->Preferences
button-->layout-->Pages PerSheet--> booklet.
The above steps might be a bit different depending on what application you
are printing from and what printer you are printing to. But the basic idea
remains the same.
w.r.t. choosing a different paper size, you can do Printing
Preferences-->Advanced-->Paper Size. But the applicaion may ignore this
setting. So you may also want to try the page setup option that most
applicatoins provide.