Benjamin Lukner
I'm just building a wrapper for a dll that has a Write() function that
is overloaded 13 times for all the different data types.
I thought it would be easier on my side to offer a function that accepts
"Object" as parameter. It works fine for regular variables but not for
arrays. The following code works, but I think it would be neater if
GetTypeArray would be used.
Sub TestCaller()
Dim Test(1) As Byte
WriteToFile(0, Test) ' Separates between e.g. "Byte" and "Byte()"
End Sub
Sub WriteToFile(ByVal Offset As Int32, ByVal Data As Object) As Boolean
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(Data.GetType)
Case TypeCode.Boolean, TypeCode.Byte, TypeCode.String
status = oFile.Write(Data)
Case Else ' Type = Object
If Data.GetType.IsArray _
AndAlso Data.GetType.Name() = "Byte[]" Then ' !Line to replace!
Dim aData() As Byte = Data
status = oFile.Write(aData, 0, aData.Length)
End If
End Select
End Sub
I tried "Dim aType() As Type = Type.GetTypeArray(Data)", but that throws
an invalid cast exception. I think the problem is that the type is
"Data" and not "Data()"...?
Does anyone know if it is possible to use GetTypeArray here?
Kind regards,
Benjamin Lukner
I'm just building a wrapper for a dll that has a Write() function that
is overloaded 13 times for all the different data types.
I thought it would be easier on my side to offer a function that accepts
"Object" as parameter. It works fine for regular variables but not for
arrays. The following code works, but I think it would be neater if
GetTypeArray would be used.
Sub TestCaller()
Dim Test(1) As Byte
WriteToFile(0, Test) ' Separates between e.g. "Byte" and "Byte()"
End Sub
Sub WriteToFile(ByVal Offset As Int32, ByVal Data As Object) As Boolean
Select Case Type.GetTypeCode(Data.GetType)
Case TypeCode.Boolean, TypeCode.Byte, TypeCode.String
status = oFile.Write(Data)
Case Else ' Type = Object
If Data.GetType.IsArray _
AndAlso Data.GetType.Name() = "Byte[]" Then ' !Line to replace!
Dim aData() As Byte = Data
status = oFile.Write(aData, 0, aData.Length)
End If
End Select
End Sub
I tried "Dim aType() As Type = Type.GetTypeArray(Data)", but that throws
an invalid cast exception. I think the problem is that the type is
"Data" and not "Data()"...?
Does anyone know if it is possible to use GetTypeArray here?
Kind regards,
Benjamin Lukner