How do I update a spreadsheet with numbers input into another?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Duma
  • Start date Start date
Duma said:
How do I link two speadsheets in order to update both at the same time?

Probably something like this

In Sheet2,
In A1: =IF(Sheet1!A1="","",Sheet1!A1)
Copy A1 across/down to cover the extent

Sheet2 will then reflect entries/updates in Sheet1 for the formulated range

If both spreadsheets are the same, headers, data ranges, titles etc,
basically same architecture on both sheets, then...

While on Sheet1, hold the shift key down, click Sheet2, now both are
highlighted. Now your sheets are "Grouped". anything you do on one, will be
applied to the other, including print page set ups.

Practice, be careful doing this as you can accidentally key something in all
sheets and not intend to while they are grouped.

Very handy though to set page set up same in all sheets quickly.

Does that help?