I need to edit my resume and it locked.How do I unlock it.
Guess I'm not THAT old cos' Start > Accessories > Windows Explorer is
still there. <g>
Dian ~
It's possible Dian will wonder who made you king of this NG or what
right you have to set "goals and objectives" for anyone else who
posts here.
I've been supplementing "old-timers"' uses of "Explorer" with the
explanation "(My) Computer" for months, because very often when
"Explorer" with no explanation is given, the OP comes back wondering
how to find "Explorer." Most of the regulars are now using "(My)
Computer" in their first line of response instead of the older,
obscurer, and ambiguous term "Explorer."
Necessitating another round of postings to get an explanation for
something that needn't have been confusing in the first place doesn't
help the OP.
You can observe from Greg's responses that he has no sense whatsoever
of the abilities of the typical first-time querier here. He is unable
to comprehend that many users have never even had the opportunity, let
alone taken the opprtunity, to study training materials that lay out
Word's often opaque and often changing terminology and procedures.
And the reason he hates me so, is that he once posted a very rude
reply to a naive poster, and I commented on its rudeness.
While "schmuck" may have been excessive, I agree that silence is
probably a preferable alternative to posting lmgtfy links, which are
fairly subtle (especially when obfuscated as this one was) but still
There is no "community leadership responsibility that comes with
being an MVP." The award is based on past service and carries no
obligation except to respect the NDA and adhere to the Code of
Conduct, which basically just means to be polite. Those who attack,
insult, and harass others (either MVPs or other posters) do not
become MVPs or, if already MVPs, are not re-awarded.