how do I unlock a document created by myself??

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I have created a document & locked it as it is to be filled in by a number of
other people. Only problem is I cannot get in to change it??
Have you tried Tools | Unprotect Document? Or Using your Forms toolbar,
clicking on the lock icon? If the document is password protected, you will
need to know the password.
where is the lock icon
Carol said:
Have you tried Tools | Unprotect Document? Or Using your Forms toolbar,
clicking on the lock icon? If the document is password protected, you will
need to know the password.
ok on the Forms toolbar, as stated. Sorry but I don't seem to know where the
Forms toolbar is. My toolbars are almost completely greyed out and under
tools I only have the option to "protect" not "unprotect" and it is grey.
Right-click on any toolbar and choose Forms from the menu. Or use View |
Toolbars and choose it.
I have right-clicked on my toolbar and nothing happens - I right-clicked on
a toolbar outside of my document and no Forms appears in the menu. View
doesn't show the option either and tools show Protect document but it is in
grey. I never locked this document it just happened

Please Help - Susan
Do you get a menu of toolbars when you right-click on a toolbar? Do you get
a Toolbars item on the Tools menu (you may have to expand the menu to see
it)? Both of these should list the Forms toolbar. What version of Word do
you have?
Thanx. When I right-clicked on a toolbar, the drop down menu showed that my
toolbars were locked. I clicked it and removed the check next to "lock
toolbar". I don't know if that is unlocking my word program or not. I can't
even download a memo template and use it because it is locked already.
Are you sure you were clicking on a toolbar in Word? The only thing I know
of that you can right-click on and get a message about locking or unlocking
is the Windows Taskbar.

There is no way (that I know of) to lock a toolbar in Word (unless by means
of some add-in). Even when a document is protected for forms, you should be
able to access the toolbar menu. If it is protected in some other way, then
the Forms toolbar wouldn't do you any good.

If you are getting a status bar message that "This command is unavailable
because the document is locked for editing," then this indicates that your
copy of Word has not been activated or is a trial version that has expired.
I have tried to unlock the document by going to tools. My options are gray so
I am unable to click on protect document. I have deleted the document and
attempted to start a new blank document. The blank document is loacked as
Please help me....

Hello to all,Strange problem no idea....

I locked MySample template Project using
Tools -> Template Project Properties -> Protection tab ->under Lock project
group i checked the checkbox (Lock for viewing) and also the password
"mypassword" in the password fields.This way i protected the document.

Now MySample template is protected,but i need to delete a module from this
template and i have to copy a module from other template using VBA. Im able
to delete the module but im not able to copy the module....

If the MySample template is not protected with Password the following code
works....othewise it fails

Sub MacroCopy

Dim MacroName, fromfile, tofile As String
MacroName = "TestMacro"

fromfile = "C:\"
tofile = "C:\"
Documents.Open FileName:=tofile, Visible:=True

'Remove the existing Module from the template
On Error Resume Next
Application.OrganizerDelete Source:=tofile, Name:=MacroName, _
'Copy the macro to the template
Application.OrganizerCopy Source:=fromfile, Destination:=tofile _
, Name:="InspectionInfo", Object:=wdOrganizerObjectProjectItems
Documents.Save NoPrompt:=True, OriginalFormat:=wdOriginalDocumentFormat


End Sub

what i have to do in the code so it can copy the module,eventhough it id
protected for viewing...

Thanks in Advance...
tberry- If you have MS Office '07, then the problem may be that you need to
register the product before your Office programs will work properly. You'll
need to locate your 25 charcter product key. This key is located in the
package in which the program came.
Also, you should be getting prompted to enter this key when you launch an
Office program such as Word. The prompt text is incorrect stating that
Micrsoft does not "require" the key, rather that it only "recommends" that
you register the product. This is simply not true. You have to register the
product eventually as the program only allows you to bypass the product key
prompt 25 times before it will lock or "diminish functionality" of your MS
Office programs. It sounds like your "locked" toolbars are the result. Good

I have downaloaded an application orm for a job, but the document is
password protected, making it unable for me to change lengths of tables/
write in some areas... etc... anyone know how i can unprotect the document
without the password?? thanks!
If this is a protected form, inserting it into a blank document (via the
Insert File dialog box) will clear the protection.

To open the Insert File dialog box: Click Insert | File (Word 2003) or click
Insert tab | Object | Text from File (Word 2007).
i NEVER locked this document it iust happen

we2bfree said:
I have right-clicked on my toolbar and nothing happens - I right-clicked on
a toolbar outside of my document and no Forms appears in the menu. View
doesn't show the option either and tools show Protect document but it is in
grey. I never locked this document it just happened

Please Help - Susan