Please help me....
Hello to all,Strange problem no idea....
I locked MySample template Project using
Tools -> Template Project Properties -> Protection tab ->under Lock project
group i checked the checkbox (Lock for viewing) and also the password
"mypassword" in the password fields.This way i protected the document.
Now MySample template is protected,but i need to delete a module from this
template and i have to copy a module from other template using VBA. Im able
to delete the module but im not able to copy the module....
If the MySample template is not protected with Password the following code
works....othewise it fails
Sub MacroCopy
Dim MacroName, fromfile, tofile As String
MacroName = "TestMacro"
fromfile = "C:\"
tofile = "C:\"
Documents.Open FileName:=tofile, Visible:=True
'Remove the existing Module from the template
On Error Resume Next
Application.OrganizerDelete Source:=tofile, Name:=MacroName, _
'Copy the macro to the template
Application.OrganizerCopy Source:=fromfile, Destination:=tofile _
, Name:="InspectionInfo", Object:=wdOrganizerObjectProjectItems
Documents.Save NoPrompt:=True, OriginalFormat:=wdOriginalDocumentFormat
End Sub
what i have to do in the code so it can copy the module,eventhough it id
protected for viewing...
Thanks in Advance...