How do I Un-Customize an Un-Customizable folder?



Vista HP.

Some of my program folders now include columns such as "tags" and "rating" -
like a picture folder, yet I cannot "customize" them back... how did Vista
customize itself - and how to I undo it?



Sorry, I really mean un-customize rather than merely change the columns
available - changing columns doesn't seem to be heritable - whereas customize
can flow down to sub-folders.


Open the folder, right click/Customize This Folder/Customize Tab/choose an
appropriate template as you see fit ('All Items' is the generic)/Check "Also
apply this template to all subfolders" if you wish.


Very many thanks Keith,

Keith Miller MVP said:
Content-sniffing gone awry -- Explorer thought it spotted a picture file :)

I've written a script that will fix a folder that doesn't allow

Great - more than I could have asked for! The script fixed the designated
folder... unfortunately "Programs" is quite a deep hierarchy and the next
level down was not affected.

I hesitate to ask you to make it recurse (if dir in scripting works like dir
in VBA it's a pig) but I had a good peek at the script before I ran it
(general paranoia:) but I can't do it myself.

BTW - if MS listens to MVP's more than mere users, could you possibly (if
you agree!) tell them that preventing things such as customising the
*presentation* of information in certain folders, only causes problems like
this. How Vista got twisted I don't know - but neither you nor I should be
scripting to correct something that ought to be the job of a few clicks in
the UI.

There's a principle here: if you have a feature in one place, it should only
be unavailable elsewhere if it doesn't make sense (in which case you probably
couldn't do it) or it will break something. I can't see what allowing
customisation of the Program folder view could possibly break.


[BTW I'd really like the default view of Programs to be Details - can't see
how to achieve that either, but it ain't actually broke so I'm not asking]

Keith Miller MVP

Julian said:
Very many thanks Keith,

You're welcome.
Great - more than I could have asked for! The script fixed the designated
folder... unfortunately "Programs" is quite a deep hierarchy and the next
level down was not affected.

I hesitate to ask you to make it recurse (if dir in scripting works like
in VBA it's a pig) but I had a good peek at the script before I ran it
(general paranoia:) but I can't do it myself.

I didn't think of making this script affect subfolders. I was thinking more
of System Drive & My Computer when I wrote it. On my install, the
subfolders of the 'Program Files' folder do allow customization, so if they
accidently pick up a picture template, you can change it -- & use the 'Apply
this template to all subfolders' option.
BTW - if MS listens to MVP's more than mere users, could you possibly (if
you agree!) tell them that preventing things such as customising the
*presentation* of information in certain folders, only causes problems
this. How Vista got twisted I don't know - but neither you nor I should
scripting to correct something that ought to be the job of a few clicks in
the UI.

I do agree. And I think I've suggested this -- I will again to make sure.
There's a principle here: if you have a feature in one place, it should
be unavailable elsewhere if it doesn't make sense (in which case you
couldn't do it) or it will break something. I can't see what allowing
customisation of the Program folder view could possibly break.

Wouldn't break anything. The view from explorer doesn't affect
functionality at all.
[BTW I'd really like the default view of Programs to be Details - can't
how to achieve that either, but it ain't actually broke so I'm not asking]

Well, if the folders haven't decided they're picture folders, they're
probably using the 'All Items' template. That defaults to details, unless
it's been modified by the 'Apply to Folders' option.


Keith Miller MVP said:
I didn't think of making this script affect subfolders. I was thinking more
of System Drive & My Computer when I wrote it. On my install, the
subfolders of the 'Program Files' folder do allow customization,

Oops - so do mine! Just another consequence of inconsistency... I *assumed*
that if Programs didn't...

Interestingly, the Template types seem random All Items, Documents,
Pictures, Music... all seem to be represented. I find this all very

All fixed now... though after working though them all, checking Program Data
and Windows as well, when I clicked to close that Windows Explorer window...
explorer stopped working (again) - and what REALLY annoys me is that not
every app is sufficiently smart yet to restore it's System Tray

Wouldn't break anything. The view from explorer doesn't affect
functionality at all.

Thanks for the confirmation!

Your help was MUCH appreciated! Keep up the excellent work!


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