How do I type in the Diameter Symbol on Word ?

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The symbol you want can be accessed one of two ways:
1) From the Insert menu, select Symbol. You'll see a dialog box. From the
drop-down menu, select Latin-1. The symbol is in the 7th row, 16th column
from the left (about half-way);
2) Press Cntrl + /o (Press and hold the Control key plus the "/" key then
type the lower case letter "o".)
If you want an uppercase, hold down the ALT key and type "0216". If you
want lowercase, hold down the ALT key and type "0248".
Note that the lowercase "phi" is the official Diameter symbol and the
upper case version is the null set symbol.
Unfortunately, everyone is wrong so far. Abovementioned methods result in the capital/noncapital version of the scandinavian letter that RESEMBLES a diameter sign.

The actual diameter sign can be acquired in Word by typing 2300 and pressing Alt + X after it.


Or you just don't care and use the scandinavian letter because it looks almost the same. :)
The Easiest way to add the Diameter Symbol on Word , Excel etc. is to
Hold ALT and press 0216
This gives Ø
Hope that helps!